5 Tips for Bouncing Back After a Job Loss
By Sarah Velasquez

Photo Credit: Pexels.com
Have you recently lost your job? That can be a tough blow for your self-esteem and your finances, but you can recover and get back to thriving again. Want to know how? These tips and a little patience can help you come back from a recent job loss.
Allow Yourself Time to Grieve This Loss
When you think of grief, you may think only of losing a loved one. In truth, other losses can be just as significant as the death of a family member or friend, especially if such losses are unexpected and cause additional financial strain. Before you pour yourself into a search for a new position, The Working Centre suggests taking some time to process the loss of your most recent position. As with any period of bereavement, you may experience one or more of the most common stages of grief resulting from a job loss, including shock, pain, regret and even depression.
If you feel like you are stuck in a cycle of grief or depression, know that there are mental health resources that can help lift you out of those feelings and move you along to the final stages, which involve working through your loss and feeling hopeful for the future.
Then you can move on to these steps:
Research Available Positions & Potential Companies
Once you have had some time to process the pain of losing your job, you can begin searching for a new one. Think about what skills you have and what direction you could go.
Sites like Indeed are going to be your best bet for finding pertinent information about potential employers and open positions that fit your skillset. Who knows? Many people find that it’s easier to simply start a business. This can be a rewarding option, particularly for older people who face ageism--which is illegal, of course, but which still undermines the efforts of many older workers to find new jobs or careers. If you think owning your own business is the way you want to go, you will need advice on how to set up your LLC or other business entity; just click here to learn more.
Update, Edit & Carefully Review Resumes & Cover Letters
Once you have a few positions in your sights, you can begin working on your application materials. Most employers and recruiters will require at least a resume and cover letter in order for you to be considered for a position, so make sure yours will help you stand out from the pack in all of the right ways.
CNBC notes many otherwise-qualified applicants have been turned away due to resume errors, so take the time to review your completed resume. It’s also crucial to choose a clean and professional format when creating resumes and cover letters, so if you’re not sure how to do so on your own, you may want to use an online resume creator.
Research Tips for Completing Interviews via Video Conference
If your application is selected for further review, chances are you may end up being scheduled for a phone or online interview with an HR rep or the hiring manager. So before you get this call, Inc. recommends doing some homework to ensure you’re fully prepared for your interview. You can usually find sample interview questions online for practice. You should also review tips for phone and video interviews in case you are scheduled for these formats.
Avoid Feeling Discouraged by Rejection & Try to Have Some Patience
It is important to understand that you may not hear back from employers, or your application may end up being rejected, but it is important to not to take it personally. There are many reasons why an employer may select a different candidate, and you can consider reaching out for further explanation, although not all companies will provide one. Instead of focusing on rejections, try to reserve your energy for your search. If you are stressed about money, know that there are financial resources that can help until you find a new job.
Dealing with any sort of loss is never easy. Take the time needed to process your job loss before you start trying to pick up the pieces. Then you will be ready to thrive once again.
About the Author
Sarah and Mark Velasquez are the creators of Our Perfect Abode. After years of renting, they recently bought their very first home. They’re currently hard at work turning that fixer upper into their perfect abode and are sharing their journey and all the tips and tricks they pick up along the way on their website Our Perfect Abode.